Monday, September 7, 2009

Unbelievably Great

Saturday to Monday. Ben has been amazing for Ben.

Saturday morning's walk was good. Motor bikes, huge trucks and bikes...I clicked as he looked and he turned to me and he was praised and treated to the rooftops for not leaping.

But then, I stopped to talked to a neighbour. That was a mistake. She quickly swept her kids away to 'safety'. Their ball stopped from Ben about two feet away. I had to roll it back. She asked if I was keeping Ben. I hadn't decided, I said. She advised me 'Donna, you have to be very careful'. Steam flew out my ears. Gee, I wonder why I've engaged a trainer, why I train him everyday on his issues and what the trainer has shown us and with which she continues to help us. Mmm, yes, Don was bitten, his friend was bitten, Maryanne was bitten as was the vet tech, Angela. And she is telling me I have to be careful? And then a roller blader flew by and set Ben off. He skated right to Ben and I said 'no' to the guy as Ben was simply seeking attention. Ben was already wound and probably confirmed the neighbour's 'fears'.

Her comment upset me but I got on with my day. The leash is becoming a non-issue now. I show Ben the leash and he comes running and we do the 'yes' treat routine. It's so great.

He got into the boat with us (a little kibble in his bowl in the boat helped) and really seemed to enjoy it. Nose in the air, wind blowing through his coat. I did the same the next night but he was stressed this time so we cut the ride short.

I worked on nail clipping and may have to work with the dremmel instead. I cut one nail and he whimpered. Back to square one but it's coming along. I kept treating him for giving me his paw instead of when he let me touch his feet with the dremmel. I finally got it right near the end. It'll come together.

He slept through the night all weekend, noise and everything. He enjoyed the campfires, as always. It was the first enjoyable weekend I've had with Ben in awhile. Don only had a growl when he tried to get him to come out from under the ski ramp on top of the ski hill. I knew that would happen because Ben wanted to stay there where it was cool.

Resource guarding is going well. I look forward to our next session and in the meantime, the exercises are going well with no guarding. Yippee!! I'm having a good feeling this day. He isn't vicious and he is learning quickly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Donna, you are a force to be reckoned with. Yes, Ben bit me and I always thought "No biting dogs, ever." But he didn't scare me; I did something that I really knew better that I should not do. I had done the same thing I had done 6 months before when I recieved my first dog bite ever - from another dog.

    Ben is a good boy, although he seems to have had bad first owners and breeder. He is a good boy. And he is welcome at our home again. Go to France, enjoy. Just give us a tutorial on what you have been doing so we don't set him back further.

  3. You are a gem, Maryanne. Thank you so much. I think Ben just needed to know what a proper dog life should be.

    I will let you know if we will be going this year when etc. Don will be thrilled to know this.

    Should you ever need dog sitting, we are here. I can't imagine walking 3 Pyrs and a collie down the street. What a cool feeling!!
